Unmanned Systems Technology 012 | AutoNaut USV | Connectors | Unmanned Ground Vehicles | Cobra Aero A33i | Intel Falcon 8+ UAV | Propellers | CES Show report

3 February/March 2017 | Contents Unmanned Systems Technology | February/March 2017 04 Intro A discussion about the ‘PS’ in this issue reminds us that technological change, while inevitable, is unpredictable 06 Platform one: Mission-critical info Electric turbofans and helicopters unveiled, call to develop AUVs for seafloor research, how a UAV and UGV could together transform agriculture, LunarX rivals ready for launch, and more 16 In conversation: Chris Skinner The man behind the Thales component of the Unmanned Warrior naval trial says it’s all about multi-platform integration 20 Dossier: AutoNaut It’s simple, reliable and has a long endurance – we explain how this wave-powered USV was designed and built 32 Focus: Connectors Whenever there are components or systems that need to be joined together, there’s the right connector for the job 44 Insight: UGVs With driverless cars in the spotlight at the CES show, we round up the latest developments in unmanned ground vehicles 50 Dossier: Cobra Aero A33i This brand-new two-stroke has been designed purposely for UAV use, and features some fascinating innovations. We look at how it was designed and developed 62 Digest: Intel Falcon 8+ UAV Amid growing concerns over how safe it is to operate UAVs in built-up areas or civil airspace, this new octocopter takes redundancy to a new level 68 Focus: Propellers Do you want it in wood, metal, plastic or composite, fixed or variable pitch, and how many blades? Here we explain the factors involved in choosing the right prop for a given application 76 Show report: CES 2017 New developments in driverless car technologies took centre stage at this premier consumer event, but that wasn’t all that was on offer, as our round-up of the highlights reveals 82 PS: Quantum computing While still largely the stuff of lab research, quantum computers are inching ever-closer to a practical reality. We look at a recent key step that’s helping to make that happen 68 32 20 06 44