12 Class of 2024 | Uncrewed Systems Technology CubePilot Pty Ltd CubePilot provides Hardware and Embedded Software Ecosystem for the ever evolving remote piloted systems industry. CubePilot’s team understands the diversity of problems that can be solved using autonomous systems, and that having the ability to tailor the system for the application, makes it possible to get the best out of this cutting edge technology. With Open Source and Community as the soul, Reliability and Validity as the character, CubePilot has been continually bringing premium hardware to the market. CubePilot Ecosystem currently consists of Cube Autopilot range serving as the core with variety of Accessories and Carrier Boards developed with massive support from the Community and Industry. The backbone of the UxV industry, the Cube was designed over 10 years ago. The flexible interface standard allows the latest Cube model to be used in a first release Cube or Pixhawk2 drone. Hundreds of thousands of units have been sold and used to save lives, deliver critical medicine, deliver transplant organs, and keep people out of harm’s way by inspecting hazardous environments. Categories • Navigation System • Autopilots Address Unit 2, 3 Dyson Court, BREAKWATER, VIC 3219, Australia Website www.cubepilot.org Email sales@cubepilot.com More info: Avionics & electronics